martes, 25 de octubre de 2011

La vida: tierra, mar y pinos verdes

Mis voces son aire, vuelan.
Mis lunas son soles, mienten.
Mis días son tierra, pesan.
Mis ojos son agua, fuentes.

Ai! Cómo me pesan las alas.
Ai! Ganas de besarte, aire.
Mis plumas, mis plumas están cansadas.
Haz que mi corazón baile,
Haz que mi corazón baile.

Ai.. Loca, loca, loquita, loca
Así en mi boca,
aunque bese con sus frutas,
de palabras se equivoca.

Soledad en compañía.
Versos que se vuelven besos.

Ai! Cuídenme la alma mía
Sin disfrazar los silencios.

Ai! Quiero, quiero mi duda infinita
Ai tanto, tanto vino tinto y verte.
Ai Mama! Mi rumbo es quererte.

Déjenme vivir la vida: tierra, mar y pinos verdes

Ai... Loca, loca, loquita, loca
Así en mi boca,
aunque bese con sus frutas
de palabras se equivoca.

Ai… Loca, 
de palabras se equivoca.

miércoles, 5 de octubre de 2011

Is Money more Valuable than Life? Hidden Events of 9/11

The 9/11 official story is mostly fraud. All the events that happened during the 11th of September reported by the U.S. Government were to support the Iraq war. This was for profit of few people, disregarding any moral principles. Through this essay, just a few of the strange aspects occurred around that day will be explored.
Firstly, the hijacker’s identities are still unknown. The Government named a list of suspicious hijackers that had died in the aircraft attack, but, days after, some of the suspects communicated that they were still alive and they were not related with any terrorism attack. So, if the Government suggestion was not only wrong, but also impossible, how can we trust the rest of the story? Another issue concerns the credibility of passports ID and driver’s licenses they found. It is hard to believe that a thin paper as a passport ID is could survive the fire and be found in an intact state, considering this same fire melted completely the Twin Towers inner structures. Moreover, the Defense Department’s inspector general expressed “a 6-months investigation couldn’t confirm any hijacker’s identity.”
The second point concerns the supposed commercial planes. 67 interceptions had been done by Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) between September 2000 and June 2001. This maneuver is carried out in case a plane flies off course or loses permanently contact. Therefore, if all four planes violated flight rules; why could not FAA intercept any plane in one day? Furthermore, during 9/11, all planes were forced to land, affecting all kind of aircraft except certain military planes.
The third part pays attention to the Twin Towers collapsing. Its official version holds fire resulted to the planes impacts main responsible of the structure damage; but is it possible? Before this incident, there had been lots of buildings around the world that after several hours burning hadn’t collapsed. In fact, the Twin Towers themselves experienced several fires, but they had never collapsed. Analyzing their structure component, 200,000 tons of steel and 425,000 cubic yards of concrete, one may question how occurred. Actually, they were designed to resist several Boeing 707 impacts traveling at 600 miles per hour; simply causing local damage, far to make them collapse. In the 11th September, the North and South Towers collapsed after receiving each one a plane impact flying at 440 miles per hour and 540 miles per hour, respectively. An alternative hypothesis for the collapsing reason is demolition: several people, journalists and firefighters claimed they heard secondary explosions moments before the buildings fell. Moreover, they two fell in the same time as a free fall body would do it; as the same way imploded buildings do. Additionally, when buildings collapsed, big clouds of fine dust particles were formed. This kind, called pyroclastic clouds, appears in two cases: volcanic eruption and control demolition. 
The fourth point focuses in a less mentioned issue, but equal weird than the others: Building 7 collapsing. It would be the third building, after the Twin Towers, collapsing as a consequence to fire damage. However, experts claim it cannot be understood without any control demolition contribution. There is some information important to be aware: firstly, Larry Silvertsein, leaseholder of World Trade Centre, in an interview used the same verb used in planned implosion: “Pull it”. Secondly, paying $3.9 billion, this man acquired World Trade Center that always had been public possession. This privatization was carried out 6 month before 9/11. After, Silverstein applied for an insurance that covered terrorism acts. Actually, he asked for two different insurance demands for two separated attacks. As well, he agreed specially to rebuild the buildings in destruction case. Nowadays, Larry Silverstein is supposed to receive from this insurance over $7 billion. Thirdly, it’s important to point that Building 7 held inside some offices from U.S. Secret Service, CIA, Department of Defense and Securities & Exchange Commission; offices that were made to survive shots, fire and bombs. Then, which reason can explain why Building 7 was pull? Maybe anybody knew where to hide documents from 9/11.
After getting all this information, earned money is the only think I can see: due to the planes crashes, due to imploding buildings, due to buying weapons, due to making the War. However, I also realize that many people were killed in the 9/11 and a lot more people have been killed in the Iraq war. All of them were civilians as you and me; all of them without any connection with these wargames. Those responsible are still unpunished, but now I and you, if you want, just need to ask for the real facts.

lunes, 3 de octubre de 2011

Dance, dance, dance

Having troubles telling how I feel
But I can dance, dance and dance 
Couldn't possibly tell you how I mean
But I can dance, dance, dance
So when I trip on my feet
Look at the beat
The words are, written in the sand
When I'm shaking my hips
Look for the swing
The words are, written in the air
I was a dancer all along
Dance, dance, dance
Words can never make up for what you do
Easy conversations, there's no such thing
No I'm shy, shy, shy
My hips they lie 'cause in reality I'm shy, shy, shy
But when I trip on my feet
Look at the ground
The words are, written in the dust
When I'm shaking my hips
Look for the swing
The words are written in the air
I was a dancer all along
Dance, dance, dance
Words can never make up for what you do
Dance, dance, dance 

domingo, 2 de octubre de 2011

And I had never been there. I promise you.

He obert la porta del cotxe a l’aparcament al cap de munt del Reverstoke Park i aquest perfum que ho envolta tot ha anat a petar directament al meu cervell.
Era una olor familiar, de calor de foc, casa, de infància...
Encara la busco entre les memòries. Potser les sopes de farigola del pare?