Today I'll lose a day, but I earned a whole heart of gold that it's not mine neither your's.
Today I say thank you. Today I want to say thank you to every living being every dying being.
Thanks to the bald eagle that crossed this land next to me, thanks to Carla's argues and agreements, to Laura to yield my name from her building, thanks to Philip and his white smile that takes importance to any silly thing that bothers, gracias a Daniel y sus velitas que me encendieron el alma esa noche fría, thanks to Nataly to freak out with me, thanks to Beverly to gave me the welcome to the new place, thanks to Samantha to tell me that I pronounce sheet like a cool way to say shit - cluster fuck!, thanks to Nathalie to share that beautiful cross country skiing day, thanks to Raj to explain stories of macacos slaping people, thanks to Natasha to encourage me to talk out loud in English, thanks to Kristin and Christina to take care about the situation, thanks to Rosemary, Theresa, Corney and Iona to open their homes without fears, thanks to Amber, Reid, Boris and Danika for their magical home made of woodlove, thank you to Sean and Jen to understand me when I was waiting in front of their door, thank you to Gina when sang that beautiful society, thanks to Mark for the hazelnut wood shower and his calm voice, thanks to John to root me to the Pacha mama, thanks to Tom to share those days working behind skies, clouds, sun and guitar songs, thanks to Keiho to jam with the forest every afternoon, thanks to Kanako to give me a new hobby! Gràcies a la Gisela per compartir l'experiència i tenir un refugi cassolà a l'estranger.
Gràcies a totes les persones que ja estaveu amb mi per fer una mica més daurat aquest cor.
- Niña que riegas la albahaca, ¿cuántas hojitas tiene la mata? - Dime, rey zaragatero, ¿cuántas estrellitas tiene el cielo?
sábado, 26 de mayo de 2012
lunes, 21 de mayo de 2012
21th May Day 25: languages jam
Earth Day,
Milky Way,
Milk shake,
Earth quake.
Solar eclipse in a white sky.
Pastís de llimona i flors.
Vi amb mistaken identity.
Music from the moment i jamais de la vida del món.
Soft rain y montañas con barbas de nubes.
Milky Way,
Milk shake,
Earth quake.
Solar eclipse in a white sky.
Pastís de llimona i flors.
Music from the moment i jamais de la vida del món.
Soft rain y montañas con barbas de nubes.
viernes, 18 de mayo de 2012
18th May Day 22: 9 dies
Volia escriure sobre el que estava pensant últimament: l'energia, o el que sigui, alló o això. Ja no m'enrecordo; ja no té importància perquè avui s'ha despertat el dia amb núvols i una oreneta m'ha transportat molt lluny, molt a prop.
viernes, 11 de mayo de 2012
11th May Day 15: Summertime
Recollir amb les teves pròpies mans el que després fiques a l'olla i cap a dins a la boca és una altra forma de menjar, activament nodrir-se.
Diria que he estat durant algun temps asseguda, mecànicament menjant com no paren de dir-nos que s'ha de fer. Però, és fabulós caminant per l'hort atrapar una flor de Dent de lleó entre els meus dits, tirar i portar-la a la meva boca, tot pensant amb el meu fetge; o tallar la punta de la planta de kale (cosina del bròquil) on les seves flors s'aglumeren i descobrir que és deliciós i està al meu avast; o bé saltejar arrels de burdock amb ametlles i pastanaga per revel·lar-me un nou sabor.
I és que cada cop està més clar: hi ha alternatives.
Alternatives de ballar, de parlar, d'aprendre, de conviure en societat, de compartir salut, de menjar, de cantar i fer música, d'informar-se, de créixer, de riure, d'estimar, de viure.
Diria que he estat durant algun temps asseguda, mecànicament menjant com no paren de dir-nos que s'ha de fer. Però, és fabulós caminant per l'hort atrapar una flor de Dent de lleó entre els meus dits, tirar i portar-la a la meva boca, tot pensant amb el meu fetge; o tallar la punta de la planta de kale (cosina del bròquil) on les seves flors s'aglumeren i descobrir que és deliciós i està al meu avast; o bé saltejar arrels de burdock amb ametlles i pastanaga per revel·lar-me un nou sabor.
I és que cada cop està més clar: hi ha alternatives.
Alternatives de ballar, de parlar, d'aprendre, de conviure en societat, de compartir salut, de menjar, de cantar i fer música, d'informar-se, de créixer, de riure, d'estimar, de viure.
jueves, 10 de mayo de 2012
10th May Day 14: The rock travelling through the sky
These last days I had time to write, but I didn't. Sometimes it's just like this, you don't have anything enough clear to put it down in a line of words. But today I will try. Maybe chaotic; I don't care.
Yesterday I experimented my home. I mean our home. I was watching a video about the fundamentals of Permaculture - a great, interesting way to spend our time. The guy was talking about a moon eclipse long time ago which let him realize that we all are in this big, huge, massive rock floating in the space; and that we are not falling into the empty space because this big, huge, massive rock is holding us -our virtues, our fears. So this is hour home and there is no place to run away. There is not escape, there is not emergency exit. That is it.
After discussing with John and Gina about Gaia's theory, I came across the idea that everthing, everyone, every being in this planet talks the same language. This code can be writen with sounds, images, colours, smells, textures, concentration of minerals, feelings - whatever. So, we pay more attention to it, we will reveil the meassage that all things and beings already know.
Yesterday I experimented my home. I mean our home. I was watching a video about the fundamentals of Permaculture - a great, interesting way to spend our time. The guy was talking about a moon eclipse long time ago which let him realize that we all are in this big, huge, massive rock floating in the space; and that we are not falling into the empty space because this big, huge, massive rock is holding us -our virtues, our fears. So this is hour home and there is no place to run away. There is not escape, there is not emergency exit. That is it.
jueves, 3 de mayo de 2012
3th May Day 7: The Empty Land
In Canada
Central eastern Canada
South-eastern Canada
South-western Canada
Across Canada
North Baffin
East Coast
Boothia Peninsula
Northern Quebec
South Baffin
North-western Canada
West coast CDN
South-western CDN
South central CDN
West coast CDN
In United States of America
Southwest Alaska
Northwest Alaska
Southwest Alaska
Across USA
New Mexico
Southeastern USA
Across USA
Western USA
Central USA
Washington State
Southeastern USA
Southwestern USA
Eastern USA
Across USA
Northwestern USA
Central USA
Southwestern USA
Northwestern USA
California USA
In Mexico
Southern Baja
Northwest Mexico
Across Mexico
Northern Mexico
Northern Mexico
In Caribbean
Western Cuba
In Greenland
Coastal Greenland
martes, 1 de mayo de 2012
1st May Day 6: Lasqueti's inhabitants
Hummingbird's flight: clog-clog-clig-ziiiii brrrrruu
Frogs's conversation:
- cric-cric, cric-cric, cric-cric, cric-cric, cric-cric
- croc-croc, croc-croc, croc-croc. Croc-croc...
So this the whole night
Bumble bee in the way of flowers: brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
Chickadee: cheese burger, cheese burger (North American, for sure)
Random birds: pu-put; fiu-fiu-fiu-fiu; tu-pu-ru-ru
And I met Ms. Mermaid, but she just was starring the ocean and didn't say anything... I'll talk her later.
Frogs's conversation:
- cric-cric, cric-cric, cric-cric, cric-cric, cric-cric
- croc-croc, croc-croc, croc-croc. Croc-croc...
So this the whole night
Bumble bee in the way of flowers: brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
Chickadee: cheese burger, cheese burger (North American, for sure)
Random birds: pu-put; fiu-fiu-fiu-fiu; tu-pu-ru-ru
And I met Ms. Mermaid, but she just was starring the ocean and didn't say anything... I'll talk her later.
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